The Raising of Leonard Lampley Jr.
Authored by John M Davidson
5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
Black & White on White paper
282 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0692230053
ISBN-10: 069223005X
BISAC: Fiction / LiteraryLeonard Lamply Jr. was born into a less than equipped family. His overbearing grandmother, a junkie mother, and a submissive grandfather are only a handful of the people who inject turmoil into his life. Join in the mayhem of those who are endeavoring to help Leonard. Track their constant struggle with his delinquent friends, drug dealers, and girls with low self-esteem. Follow as you are led along the arc of his life, from mischievous toddler to troubled adolescent through mean spirited and felonious teen. Who is responsible for the outcome of Leonard Lamply Jr.? I suppose it all depends on your perspective.